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Online Course for working with Illustrator

200€ (+200
Adobe Illustrator is a designer program used mainly for prepress - www.onlexpa.com
With the lessons of www.onlexpa.com you can acquire all the basic knowledge that you will need for the program. During the course are presented and the latest techniques in the world of packaging design, business cards, magazines and others. Will acquire skills for the computer program Illustrator, with which you could use your personal creativity in creating your prepress products.
During the course phased in your profile on our site www.onlexpa.com will be activated new module. The course consists of four large video lessons that visualize how an action is done directly from the program. The entire duration of the lessons is more than 4 hours, the entire system remains available even after the activation of all lessons.
The lessons are shown with the version Adobe Illustrator CS6, but the course can be used independently, what version of the program you own.

- Unlimited Access - Study at your own pace with no rigid class time tables, 24/7 from any computer or smart device. Materials remain at your disposal on our platform for follow even after all the lessons are activated. Access is obtained to the entire system for an unlimited period of time!
- Certificate - After completing the Online Course, you will be able to download the certificate from your profile.
- Free IQ Test - Each of our users can do a special IQ test and receive the score instantly. The user can choose whether after receiving the certificate for the completed online course wants the result of the IQ test to be recorded in the certificate.