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Online Business Course - Body Language

200€ (+200
Materials remain at your disposal on our platform for follow even after all the lessons are activated - www.onlexpa.com
The course will help young entrepreneurial minds get to grips with the world of business. Body Language will teach you on how to understand and communicate with other people. Learn interesting information about business processes, the ways of communication, money and relationships in general
This course offers you the most beneficial ingredients for life, which would have built an exceptional way. All materials remain at your disposal and you can learn from our platform even after completion of the course
They offer to your attention a very interesting and innovative way to acquire the knowledge necessary to become proficient interlocutor & aims to make you magnetic personalities.
Each next week during 4 weeks you will receive a new lesson.

- Unlimited Access - Study at your own pace with no rigid class time tables, 24/7 from any computer or smart device. Materials remain at your disposal on our platform for follow even after all the lessons are activated. Access is obtained to the entire system for an unlimited period of time!
- Certificate - After completing the Online Course, you will be able to download the certificate from your profile.
- Free IQ Test - Each of our users can do a special IQ test and receive the score instantly. The user can choose whether after receiving the certificate for the completed online course wants the result of the IQ test to be recorded in the certificate.